Certified Custom Color Analyst
Color is powerful. Of all the principles of art, color is what the human eye sees first. You can use color's power to look younger, trimmer, more attractive, etc. The great news is, once you know your ideal tones, it is absolutely FREE. It doesn't cost any more to buy a shirt in a flattering tone than to get dressed in one that isn't. I hope you contact me so I can help you find your personal power colors.
Each client receives a customized color fan to use when selecting clothing, makeup, accessories, etc.
Look what can be done with just a few personal colors
Here's an example of just a couple of my personal power colors. Endless options that go together and also go on me! Contact me to find your unique personal color palette of 50+ "top of the mountain" colors.
Check out all my outfit combos using only a FEW colors from my personal color fan! Endless versatility that go together and all look good on me.
Custom Color Analysis takes the guesswork of choosing "top of the mountain" clothing, makeup, accessories, etc. Notice how slight tweaks in color temperature, value and intensity make all the difference in our "glow" factor. A custom color analysis is the only way to capture and showcase one's unique personal coloring.